Monday 14 September 2015

 Cherrapunji, Meghalaya
A pretty unexplored and unknown destination – except probably as the wettest place on earth. The sights to see are the Khasi monoliths and the falls of Mawsmai in the day time. Plan a visit to the limestone caves on the way back – a perfect place for a picnic by the waterfalls.
Try the traditional architecture with all modern amenities during your stay at Khasi thatch huts at Ri Kynjai about 20 km from Shillong city center.Have a journey to the nature:-)

Monday 15 June 2015


one of the Cyclades islands in the Aegean Sea, was devastated by a volcanic eruption in the 16th century B.C.E., forever shaping its rugged landscape and villages. The whitewashed, cubist houses of its 2 principal towns, Fira and Oia, cling to cliffs above an underwater caldera (crater). They overlook the clear Aegean and beaches made up of black, red and white lava pebbles.
Area: 90.96 km.Max length: 18 km.Max width: 12 km.Island group: Cyclades.

Friday 5 June 2015

         Hi my name is California condor,

 I am here to introduce myself. I am the largest flying bird in North America and only remaining member of my genus. My wings may stretch nearly 10 feet(3m) from tip to tip. Do u know something sometimes my appearance look like a small,distant airplane. My lifespan is of up to 60year. The world growing far apart but my generation cant see take care of your generation!!!!

Wednesday 25 March 2015


The WindFlower start to fly , so keep on watching to get the seeds......!!!!